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All important information can be found here!


1. Scope of Services

The mutual declarations are decisive for the scope of the services.




a) Access Authorization

The member's authorization to use the services offered is documented by activating a card ID. A reimbursement of the purchase costs for the card ID is excluded in any case. The card ID is not transferable. It may not be passed on to third parties without the prior consent of amena women fitness. If it is passed on to third parties, the member is liable for the misuse and the damage caused as a result. For each case of culpable disclosure, the member owes a contractual penalty of EUR 50.00. This compensation is to be set higher or lower if Amena Frauen Fitness proves a higher damage or the member proves a small damage. Failure to use the services does not entitle you to any refunds or reductions.


a) Services

A one-off fee (see price list to be handed out) must be paid at the beginning for the services that are required to use the studio facilities.


a) Opening hours

The opening hours are individually designed and may vary on weekends, public holidays or seasonally.


d) Additional offers

The use of additional offers such as courses is only possible with a valid course card.


3. Tariff Information


a) Billing Cycle

The contribution will be debited in advance as follows (see contract). Our debit deadlines are the 1st and 15th of the month. If the initial term is paid in full in advance, the contribution will always be debited on the 1st of the month after the paid time has elapsed. If the respective debit day is not a bank working day, the debit is postponed to the next bank working day. If it is not possible to debit the contribution, written information including fees (return charge of EUR 6.00 + reminder fee) will be sent. With the signature of the contractual partner on page 1 of the contract (participation in the direct debit procedure), Amena Frauen Fitness is granted the direct debit authorization for contributions and any consumption.


b) special tariffs

We reserve the right to change special tariffs (pupils, students, pensioners) to normal tariffs if the reason for the special tariff no longer applies. The member is obliged to independently provide proof annually (students per semester) to check whether the further granting of the special tariff is still justified (at the latest 4 weeks before expiry). A refund of the difference is not possible retrospectively if the switch to the normal tariff has already taken place.


c) premium adjustment

After the initial term, the premium will be adjusted by €1 per year (adjustment of operating costs).


d) VAT

The contribution includes the respective statutory VAT.




a) Renewal & Ordinary Termination

If the contract is not terminated in text form with a notice period of 3 months to the end of the agreed term, it will be extended monthly and can be terminated again with a notice period of 3 months to the end of the month. The monthly contract is an exception to this. This has a term of 1 month and can be terminated with a notice period of 1 month. After that, the subscription is extended by one month and can be canceled monthly. The original objection or termination must be sent to Amena Fitness for women (Zehntwiesenstraße 33, 76275 Ettlingen). Upon termination, all rights arising from the membership card expire.



b) Special right of termination

Amena Women's Fitness Ettlingen reserves the right to terminate membership immediately, unilaterally and without notice in the event of inappropriate behavior by a member.


c) late payment

If the member is culpably in arrears with at least 2 monthly payments, Amena Frauen Fitness Ettlingen is entitled to terminate the contract at the end of the regular contract period and the entire remaining amount is due immediately. If the member is in arrears with the payment, Amena Frauen Fitness Ettlingen is entitled to deny the member access until the arrears have been fully settled in accordance with Section 320 (1) of the German Civil Code. The existence of the membership or the payment obligation of the member remain unaffected by this.


d) Termination of Contract

Upon request, the contract can be suspended once a year from 4 weeks to 3 months. The request must be made in writing 4 weeks in advance. Irrespective of this, the contract can also be suspended for more than 4 weeks or 1 year in justified cases (inability to exercise, pregnancy) that can be proven in writing. In both cases, membership is extended by the period of decommissioning. Subsequent applications cannot be considered.


e) cancellation guarantee

If the member takes up residence in a place that is more than 30 km away from Amena Frauen Fitness Ettlingen, the member is entitled to terminate the contract with a notice period of 30 days to the end of the month. A confirmation of cancellation or registration must be submitted with the cancellation. This does not affect the right of the member to terminate the contract for good cause.




Change of member data

Changes of address and account changes are to be communicated to Amena Frauen Fitness Ettlingen in writing without delay. If the member omits or delays this notification, he/she has to bear the resulting costs.




a) House Rules

The house rules posted in the Amena Frauen Fitness Ettlingen studio are part of the conclusion of the contract.


b) damage to property

Damage to property at Amena Frauen Fitness Ettlingen will be remedied at the expense of the person who culpably caused or caused it.


c) Maintenance measures & operating times

We reserve the right to close various areas of the studio for repair and maintenance work. A reduction in the membership fee or termination of membership is excluded. There are no recourse claims on the part of the member.


d) Insofar as there is no personal injury, violation of main contractual obligations, intent or gross negligence, amena Frauen Fitness Ettlingen is not liable. Otherwise, the statutory provisions apply.




Verbal subsidiary agreements to this contract have not been made. In the event that a provision of the contract should be legally ineffective, this has no influence on the effectiveness of the remaining parts of the contract.


(as of 11/2020)

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